

Clinical Psychology located in Bluffton, SC and TriBeCa, New York, NY

The incidence of depression has risen 28% worldwide in recent years, so you’re far from alone if you’re struggling right now. At Tardigrade Psychological Services, LLC, clinical and sports psychology specialist Heather Goldberg, PsyD, is a depression expert who can provide a road map away from depression and into a healthy, happy, and productive life. Call the Bluffton, South Carolina and TriBeCa, New York, New York office now or click the online appointment request feature to arrange your telehealth or office visit.

Is being sad all the time a sign of depression?

It’s normal to feel sad sometimes, or even for a more prolonged period when faced with difficult situations like losing a loved one. However, feeling sad nearly all the time or for an extended period is a sign of depression.


The symptoms of depression can include:


  • Frequent crying
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Feeling that you’re worthless
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in the things you used to like
  • Withdrawing from other people in your life
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Thoughts of suicide


The many types of depression share persistent sadness and other symptoms that disrupt daily life.

When is it time to seek treatment for depression?

When you have depression, you’re unable to live your life how you’d like. It can drag you down, get worse, and prevent your recovery if you don’t seek help. So, if you have symptoms that linger for longer than a few weeks, consider reaching out to Tardigrade Psychological Services, LLC, for help.


Unfortunately, many people don’t seek treatment for depression when they should. They might tell themselves that it’ll get better on its own. Some people feel embarrassed about admitting they need help.


No matter what might be holding you back from getting help, it’s valuable to know that depression only improves when you take specific steps to control the illness — and that’s precisely what Dr. Goldberg helps you do at Tardigrade Psychological Services, LLC.

What does depression treatment involve?

Depression treatment requires a clear understanding of your present feelings and your past experiences. Dr. Goldberg helps you delve into your feelings and their origins through treatment approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, and family systems theory. 


The goals of depression treatment include recognizing harmful thoughts, developing new thought patterns, and making peace with the experiences that shaped you. Dr. Goldberg helps you gain valuable insight, overcome your depression symptoms, and grow into the person you want to be.


Most treatment sessions occur over telehealth, a convenient therapy option in which you communicate live with Dr. Goldberg through private teleconferencing. In-office appointments are available as well.


Struggling with depression? Call Tardigrade Psychological Services, LLC, or use the online appointment request feature now.